Thursday, November 24, 2011

I want to study Astrophysics and live in Cambridge. What route and courses do I need to study first?

I would like to study astrophysics but need to know what qualifications I need to be accepted and whats the best route to study this?|||You didn't specify a country, so I'll assume you're in the US (since you posted your question in that section) and you mean Cambridge, MA. The thing is, you really need a PhD to get a job in astrophysics (PhD in physics, preferably) and there are so few jobs you'll be lucky to get one anywhere, much less in a particular city or at a particular school. Fortunately, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics hires a ton of astronomers, but even so, still a hard job to get. Don't assume you'll get to pick where you live with this job - 12 years of college and you take what you can get, not to mention it doesn't pay well.

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